Exterior Lighting Standard Update


Over three years in the making, the much awaited update of AS/NZS 1158.3.1:2020 – Lighting for roads and public spaces – Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting – Performance and design has just been published and is available for purchase from Standards NZ.

Devonport Wharf, Auckland

This much-needed update on the previous 2005 version incorporates many changes, including:

1. New and more precise lighting subcategories and descriptors, in most cases with slightly different LTP (Light Technical Parameters – light levels/uniformities etc.)

AreaNew subcategories
Pedestrian & Cycle Path:PP1-PP5
Public Activity Areas:PA1-PA3
Connecting Elements:PE1-PE3
Outdoor Car Parks:PC1-PC3, PCD, PCX

2. LED luminaires and design techniques are now incorporated for the first time

3. Glare issues are addressed in a more sophisticated and internationally aligned manner

4. Smart CMS (Central Management Systems) and adaptive lighting (i.e. variable light levels) are validated and encouraged

5. CLO (Constant Light Output) control is accommodated

This new standard is effective immediately. The phase-in period from the old standard will depend on the RCA (Road Controlling Authority – i.e. council) and/or asset owner.

Note also, the upgrade of the sister standard AS/NZS 1158.1.1:2020 – Lighting for roads and public spaces – Vehicular area (Category V) lighting – Performance and design is well advanced with publication expected in the next few months.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to learn more about this new standard or exterior lighting solutions.


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