Les Mills Car Park Through-Site-Link


Car parks and the access ways to them can often be dark, uncomfortable spaces. But as Les Mills’ through-site-link shows, they don’t have to be.

For their site on Wellesley Street in Auckland, Les Mills wanted to ensure the through-site-link connecting Victoria Street and Wellesley Street would be bright and welcoming. MHL were engaged by architects Warren & Mahoney to deliver on this brief, where two key solutions were utilised. The Unios Eclipse G2, and the Iluminarc Chauvet EPIX LED.

MHL worked closely with Warren & Mahoney, identifying time and cost expectations to evaluate suitable options. The solution is a combination of a lightbox ceiling to discreetly emulate daylight within the through-site-link and light pillars behind glazing as an artistic wall, producing programmable dynamic displays.


Parnell, Auckland

Warren & Mahoney Architects

Unios Eclipse G2
Iluminarc Chauvet EPIX LED



Typical lightboxes are interior installations and are constructed with stretched-membrane panels. However, in this case, large polycarbonate panels were selected, for suitable weather protection, as well as mechanical resistance. This has produced a robust and durable architectural solution.

Due to a compressed construction programme, a trial/mockup would not have fit within expected timeframes. With extensive software modelling, a solution was developed that fully satisfies the design intent.

Another element that makes this lighting solution unique is the fact that the light pillars within the glazed wall consist of individually addressable LEDs, allowing pixel map programmes/scenes to be displayed.


The result is a welcoming and interesting space and an excellent example of what’s possible when great architecture is enhanced with the use of light.




Unios Eclipse G2

The Unios Eclipse Collection is brought to purpose to embrace the ethos that "beauty lies in the details". With a wide variety of profiles, the Glide Series features the Mini, boasting a miniaturized slim profile, and the Glide S as the go-to strip option. The XL provides an option for projects that require a larger profile, while the IP67 is perfect for facade and outdoor applications.



Contact us to discuss your next project.


Puhi Kai Iti / Cook’s Landing


Durham Street & Lane Upgrade – Tauranga